Friday, September 30, 2016

Is it a Dark Moon or a New Moon?

The moon, like the sun, appears to rise in the east and set in the west. As it does so, it reflects a bit of light of the sun back to the earth. Depending on its relationship to the sun at any given time, it can reflect more or less sunlight. It does this in an orderly fashion during its 28 day cycle. We call these lunar phases.

At the so-called beginning of its cycle, the moon is "conjunct" with the sun, which means that, from the point of view of those of us on the earth, both the sun and moon appear to be rising and setting together. This results in a complete obscuring of the moon in the sky. Astrologers and astronomers call this a "new moon." Yet, many magical traditions (my own included) call this a "dark moon." 

For us, the new moon comes one or two days after the dark moon, when the first visible appearance of a waxing crescent appears in the sky just moments after sunset. This terminology can be problematic, due to the fact that what all the calendars label a new moon is actually a dark moon for us. 

From a magical perspective, we don't start new projects on a "dark moon," we start new projects on a "new moon." The dark moon, in fact, is a time in my practice where NO spell work is done whatsoever. 

We see the dark moon as a time of rest. We use this time to work on doing nothing at all magically. It's a time for us to enter deep, and profound states of rest and rejuvenation, as we prepare for the coming waxing tide.

There are magical traditions who, like the astronomers and astrologers, label what we call the dark moon, the new moon. These practitioners will actually begin new projects when the moon is dark. I, however, don't work this way. I, and those who practice magic the way I do, never work magic during this part of the lunar cycle. It is considered the Goddess' time. We may honor her, but we do so by resting, not working.

Take time during the dark moon to rest, magically speaking. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Take some deep breaths. Perhaps you can ground and center as you may know how to do. Relax your body and mind, and enter into a place of pure silence. Be completely at one with your own inner being, your deeper mind, the Goddess, and the Source of all life. Take this time to have no goals, no projects, no needs, no purpose other than just to rest and be at one with Her.

I tend to magically rest for two or sometimes three days during this cycle. Then I can begin my next magical working fresh, rested and enthusiastic about what is ahead of me.

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