Friday, October 21, 2016

Ask And It Shall Be Given

It is said that the world of thought creates the world of the physical.

But what does that actually mean? Is it a silly, sophomoric platitude that's been scraped out of some hot selling, half baked metaphysical self help book within the pop culture? Or is it a legitimate philosophical and metaphysical concept?

I see the world of cause as being the world of possibility. This means that everything that can be, already exists in the world of cause as pure potential. Everything that exists in the physical world is an expression of an inner idea. An automobile is an idea. A computer is an idea. The Earth is an idea. You and I are ideas.

The unwanted circumstances in our world, such as disease, war, hunger, genocide, and the collapse of ecosystems are ideas. When we get sick for instance, the physical disease is a manifestation of an idea. Conversely, our bodies' own healing powers, as well as the medical treatments, which can help to cure us or ease our pain and suffering, are also ideas.

It can be very helpful to remember that in the spectrum of manifestation, everything that exists in the world of form is already manifest. It is not becoming manifest; it has already happened.  If, for instance, you are diagnosed with a disease, that means you already have received that diagnosis. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change that reality. It has already happened. If you break a bone, it has already happened, you can't unbreak it. As the old saying goes, A piece of toast can never become bread again.

When we are faced with crises or problems in life, we are prone to look for answers to our predicaments. This is both an extremely normal and a wonderfully human thing to do. Yet in order to find answers, we must ask questions. The quality of answers we receive depends on the quality of questions we ask.

If we ask ambiguous questions, then we find ambiguous answers. If we ask direct questions, we find direct answers. If we ask disorganized questions, we find disorganized answers. If we ask childish questions we find childish answers.

A common question that is asked when someone receives devastating news is, "Why did this happen to me?" I have asked myself that question many times. It's very normal to ask that or questions similar to it. However, I have come to understand that this type of question rarely leads to answers that are helpful, and can often actually be quite harmful.

When something has happened already, it really doesn't matter, "why" it happened, especially not as the first order of business in taking care of the situation.

Questions of a different order that prompt more helpful answers would be questions such as, "what can I do to help right now?"

Asking how one's personal thoughts contributed to a crisis is a very childish type of question to ask in the midst of the crisis, and you will usually find very childish and unhelpful answers by following that line of questioning.

The difference I see between asking questions like, "why did I do this to myself?" versus questions like, "how can I best take care of myself right now?" is that the first type of question is an attack on oneself, and the other is a loving response to a situation.

The most famous section of a prayer which has become known as the Serenity Prayer states, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

If you receive bad news, you can't change the fact that you just received the news; yet resisting or denying that which has just presented itself to you cannot bring you serenity. Accepting that it happened is actually the only thing that can bring serenity.

Even though it's not possible to change what has already happened, what can we change? We can change a lot. We can change the quality of questions we ask ourselves, for starters. We can change the way we treat ourselves. We can change the way we treat others. We can change the choices that we make from moment to moment. We can change our behaviors.

We can change an infinite amount of things in any situation, not the least of which are our own decisions we choose to make about ourselves and the world.

Personal choice and responsibility have much to do with how we allow our characters to be formed as we respond to the various circumstances in our lives. Some people go through hell, and the result is that they become more loving to themselves and the world. Others go through similar circumstances and the result is that they become mean, bitter and cynical.

If we get sick, "how am I to blame for this?" is a poor question to ask. However, once the dust has settled and we are capable of looking more clearly and analytically at the situation, we may come to realize, for example, that we are constantly seething with anger, rage and resentment.

Did these thoughts and emotions actually cause our disease? Personally, I don't think it really matters, and would never consider asking that question. However, releasing the thoughts we habitually carry which cause us distress definitely can't hurt our healing process. In fact, most people I know who do so, discover that in letting go of these resentments, angers and rages they are actually supporting their healing, sometimes in seemingly miraculous ways.

Does this mean that we should never allow ourselves to feel angry, upset, victimized, brutalized and abused by the world at times? Of course not. But if we discover that those feelings are our normal baseline emotions, then we may want to consider doing some work on ourselves. We may want to take a good look at the questions we are habitually asking ourselves and the moment to moment choices we are making.

Asking questions like, "Right now, in this very moment, what is the most loving response?" can lead us to answers that make a positive difference in ourselves and the world around us. Asking ourselves, "why did I create this reality for myself?" can lead us to answers that make us feel bad about ourselves and the world around us.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh
findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Matthew 7: 7-8

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What is Ariel's Corner?

in 2007, many years after I had stopped teaching local Craft classes, someone suggested that it might be nice if I did a podcast. I hadn't ever heard of a podcast, and I didn't know what they were supposed to sound like, so I just digitized a bunch of tapes of old DCW lectures I had laying around, some from back in the mid 1990s. That was the beginnings of my first podcast, Ariel's Druidic Craft of the Wise Lectures. (I always regret not changing the title of that podcast before it got popular).

Next, I got inspired to do a podcast that was an online version of my original beginning witchcraft text: the non-denominational, A Witch's Primer. I liked that I could include all the material that had never made it into the original text; and I also really loved the idea of a complete audio training, with minimal handouts. It seemed very "old school" to me. I also wanted to make certain that A Witch's Primer was always available to anyone who wanted the material, free of charge.

After AWP had been recorded and completed, I was encouraged to add more DCW lectures, but since I was lecturing only sporadically at that time, I got the idea to go into my studio and just talk, like I do in my live lectures.  I still try to add to my lecture catalogue as best I can, whether I'm speaking live or can get some time to do a studio talk.

Unlike A Witch's Primer, or my other online courses, my DCW Lecture talks are informed by the wisdom I learn from the teachings of the Druidic Craft of the Wise. It is important to note that these talks are not DCW teachings themselves, but my personal pondering on the magical and spiritual principles within those teachings.

I started getting more and more requests for other non-denominational classes along the lines of A Witch's Primer that went beyond the basics These requests inspired me to create several online courses. Each of these courses runs somewhere from 3 to 6 weeks, and includes recorded live lectures, handouts, homework, and often a generous amount of guided meditations.

Each course also has it's own, private, online forum where students can receive support, ask questions and learn from each other. I moderate each forum myself, and group conversation is encouraged.  I ask for a suggested donation for each of my online courses (except for A Witch's Primer). If anyone cannot afford to pay for any of my courses, they are able to take them at no charge, and with no questions asked.

My goal with Ariel's Corner has always been to address a person's solitary magical practice, whether or not they are involved in a Craft or magical tradition. The techniques in magic which I teach are not my own. I teach that which I have been taught by those who came before me. These techniques are tried and true, and tend to produce practical results when the magic is worked properly and systematically.

Currently, I have entered a period in my life where my work in my worldly career is calling for a great deal more of my time and attention, at least for a while. Therefore, I won't be able to put out new classes for a while. During this time I will be lecturing only occasionally as well.

Even though my output will diminish considerably for a while, I am still online in the forums and on Facebook to answer questions and offer assistance and support.

Until I can get back to producing new material, please utilize every part of Ariel's Corner for yourself. We have the entire A Witch's Primer Audio class,  extensive discussion forums, over 90 lectures, guided meditations, articles, and 7 individual courses in magic that go Beyond the Basics.

I will be back to producing new material as soon as I can. Thank you so much for listening. It means more to me than you can ever know.

See you in the forums!

Love and blessings,


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Divine Wrath and Vengeance

Why do people freak out when they see the Tower? Because it looks freaking scary, that's why!  

But the Tower is Mars, and Mars can be one of our best friends. We can LOVE Mars, because Mars can destroy on our behalf.

The lightening bolts coming from above have been described by mystics from many religious traditions as the Wrath of God. Esoterically, whenever wrath or vengeance are described as being divine attributes in any mythology or religious teaching, these terms are referring, in effect, to Mars.

The Wrath of Mars is like a divine laser beam that can seek out and destroy each and every thought pattern in your mind that is contributing to the problems in your life.

By invoking the power of Divine Wrath and Vengeance, we are giving all the wrathful thoughts we have been thinking on our own behalf over to a Divine Power that can use this martial force for good. Once we are freed from the disordered and wrongly focused thoughts, we are able to focus our thinking on the state that we desire, knowing that it is manifesting now in delightful ways.

Try this on any Tuesday (waning moons are especially powerful):

Spell for Divine Wrath and Vengeance 
  • This spell works best at your altar, or workspace, with a red candle burning. 
  • Anoint your candle with olive oil or Mars oil before lighting it.
  • Burn Incense, if you can. Myrrh is nice, as is Dragon's Blood. If you have access to a specially formulated Mars Incense Blend, that's even better. Anything you have on hand will do however. It's always a good idea to burn a bit of incense when you invoke, if at all possible. Incense symbolizes gratitude. Whenever we invoke, we do so with a profound sense of gratitude.
1. Take a look at your most vexing problem in life.
2. Let yourself feel all the volatile emotions you have not given yourself permission to feel, if any, as you write these thoughts and feelings down on a clean sheet of paper.
3. Invoke. Call on Divine Wrath and Vengeance, in whatever form feels most appropriate to you. Give your fears, anger, hatred, desire for revenge, destructive thoughts, disordered thoughts and all grievances toward anyone or anything to the power you just invoked. Do this verbally, if possible, spontaneously and in your own words. 
4. If you are able, light the paper from the flame of the candle and allow it to burn in a flame resistant dish. Otherwise simply tear the paper up.  Dispose of the the torn up paper or ashes in the garbage.
5. Give thanks that your problem is solved now.

Let the candle burn down and out by itself.  Either do this a single time, or if desired, you may repeat this ritual a total of 5 times over 5 consecutive days, burning the candle a bit each time and then allowing it to burn down and out by itself.

Sample Spontaneous Invocation

"I call on the power of Divine Wrath and Vengeance. I call on the destructive aspect of Perfect Love. Seek out and destroy all within me that is unlike Perfect Love now.  I know that from the ashes of destruction rise marvelous solutions right now. I give to you (name your problem, and all your feelings and thoughts about the problem). I know that your power brings me only victory here and now. Thank you, 

Always follow through after a spell

Do not concern yourself with the ways and means of the manifestation of your desire, instead focus on using your creative powers of mind to think of what your life is like when your problem is already completely solved. What kinds of things are you doing? What kinds of feelings are you feeling?  

Once you give your problem (and most importantly, all the thoughts and feelings that have been causing the problem) to the destructive forces of Divine Wrath and Vengeance, you are to have any no further emotional attachment with the problem. Your focus is now on feeling the feelings of the solution. You now live, astrally (emotionally), in the solution at all times.  This simply means to do your very best to entertain only relaxed and joyful  emotions, and expect good things to come your way at every turn; as that's exactly what is happening.

In magic, our desires manifest when we are focussed on something else, and in ways and forms we may not expect. After working a spell, get involved in positive, creative and productive activities, while living in the emotional reality of that which you desire, and you will get some marvelous surprises. The solutions which manifest in the physical are always much better than anything we had anticipated.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Breaking the Curse of Envy

Envy is a curse which operates under a very specific magical current.

It is very seductive.

It draws us in and makes us feel bad about ourselves regarding that which someone else is, does or has.

For the duration of time that we are under its spell, the energy of this curse repels everything we desire from us so that we are left empty.

It is insidious.

Here is how I learned to reverse this curse, and cause more of what I desire to flow to me. It will work for you too:

1. I become honest with myself about what I am feeling. I don't try to pretend I am not envious. I look the demon square in its green eyes.
2. I bless the person for whom I am experiencing envy. 
3. I rejoice in their happiness, success, wealth, or whatever it is about which I am envious (faking it if necessary until it starts to take).
4. I name that which I desire for MYSELF, and call it into being, NOW.
5. I give great thanks that it is done now.
Blessed be.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Recommended Reading for Witches

When people ask me for good suggestions on Craft books, they are usually surprised that I recommend only a few books on Witchcraft, Wicca or magic. I usually recommend reading the Classics. 
Great literature feeds the mind and soul; it feeds us nutritious food, rather than junk food. Great literature often takes work to comprehend, but it is work that gives compounded rewards, especially to practitioners of magic. 
Witches rely on imagination as one of their primary magical tools, but imagination is only as good as the ideas that can be called upon at will when it is used. When we constantly feed our minds high quality thoughts, we can use those thoughts to manifest high quality results. But if we only feed our minds trite, silly and weak thoughts, we have only those qualities at our disposal.
When I make a batch of cookies, I know that if I use the finest fresh butter I can find, that they will taste much different than if I use a vegetable shortening or a margarine. No matter how skillful I may be as a baker, my end product can only be as good as the ingredients I use.
Likewise, regardless of the skill a witch possesses as a practitioner of magic, her results will only be as good as the ingredients that she uses in it. In magic, the most important of those ingredients are our thought images.
What do you read? What kind of music do you listen to? What kinds of art do you look at? What kinds of television and movies do you watch? All of these things are the ingredients you are stocking in your witch's larder. If you want great results, I suggest you start stocking up on great ingredients.
Literature is most commonly thought of being in the past, as something that one "read in school." Rarely is literature viewed as something that is necessary to read on an ongoing basis. Literature is food for every mind; but for practitioners of magic, good literature is as vital as oxygen.
I recommend you commit to reading one piece of great literature each month. It can be anything from Hemingway to Plato. Just find one piece that you want to commit to understanding. Get a good study guide like a Spark Notes, or a Cliffs Notes guide, and get through that book with at least some understanding. 
For witches, the process of devouring great literature is a part of our ongoing magical initiation. What kind of witch do you want to be? What kinds of results do you want to have? If you are serious about your magic, it's time to get serious about reading good books.
Am I saying you should ONLY read the classics? Of course not. You should enjoy each and every book, film, work of art, piece of music or television show that you like. What I am suggesting, is that if you start to simply add a bit of classic literature into your daily life that you will absolutely see a tremendous improvement in your magic over time. Of that I am absolutely certain.
Come to my website for lectures, classes, meditations and magic!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Is it a Dark Moon or a New Moon?

The moon, like the sun, appears to rise in the east and set in the west. As it does so, it reflects a bit of light of the sun back to the earth. Depending on its relationship to the sun at any given time, it can reflect more or less sunlight. It does this in an orderly fashion during its 28 day cycle. We call these lunar phases.

At the so-called beginning of its cycle, the moon is "conjunct" with the sun, which means that, from the point of view of those of us on the earth, both the sun and moon appear to be rising and setting together. This results in a complete obscuring of the moon in the sky. Astrologers and astronomers call this a "new moon." Yet, many magical traditions (my own included) call this a "dark moon." 

For us, the new moon comes one or two days after the dark moon, when the first visible appearance of a waxing crescent appears in the sky just moments after sunset. This terminology can be problematic, due to the fact that what all the calendars label a new moon is actually a dark moon for us. 

From a magical perspective, we don't start new projects on a "dark moon," we start new projects on a "new moon." The dark moon, in fact, is a time in my practice where NO spell work is done whatsoever. 

We see the dark moon as a time of rest. We use this time to work on doing nothing at all magically. It's a time for us to enter deep, and profound states of rest and rejuvenation, as we prepare for the coming waxing tide.

There are magical traditions who, like the astronomers and astrologers, label what we call the dark moon, the new moon. These practitioners will actually begin new projects when the moon is dark. I, however, don't work this way. I, and those who practice magic the way I do, never work magic during this part of the lunar cycle. It is considered the Goddess' time. We may honor her, but we do so by resting, not working.

Take time during the dark moon to rest, magically speaking. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Take some deep breaths. Perhaps you can ground and center as you may know how to do. Relax your body and mind, and enter into a place of pure silence. Be completely at one with your own inner being, your deeper mind, the Goddess, and the Source of all life. Take this time to have no goals, no projects, no needs, no purpose other than just to rest and be at one with Her.

I tend to magically rest for two or sometimes three days during this cycle. Then I can begin my next magical working fresh, rested and enthusiastic about what is ahead of me.

Visit Ariel's Corner, for lectures, classes, meditations, magic and inspiration.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Spell to Solve Money Troubles

Are you having problems with Money? Then a Thursday, during the waning moon is the perfect day for you to finally solve those problems once and for all!  

One Purple Candle
Jupiter Oil (if you don't have it, just use Olive Oil)
Jupiter Incense (or any nice smelling incense will work)
Fire proof dish

1. Anoint your candle with the oil.
2. Draw a square of Jupiter and place it under the purple candle.
3. Light the candle and incense
4. On a clean sheet of paper list all your money troubles, be they debts, unfulfilled desires, fears, etc. Be as specific as you can be.
5. Call upon the God of Prosperity by whatever name is most appropriate, such as Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, Sachiel, or simply "Lord of Infinite Prosperity and Wealth." One at a time, read off these troubles, out loud, which you have listed. Feel them being given over to this great Divine Power. Let them go. Let them be solved on your behalf. Unburden yourself completely.
Say, "God of all abundance, God of Wealth, God of all things good, take from me all that is not working. Take from me these burdens. Take from me what is not mine. Free me from all bondage. Cleanse my mind of all thoughts and ideas that are unlike your thoughts of infinite wealth and riches."
6. Place this paper in front of the burning candle.  
7. On a new, clean sheet of paper (or multiple sheets if necessary), write out your vision of the most perfect resolution that you can envision for your financial life. Dare to be specific. Take some time, and fill up some pages. Write out exactly the financial life you DO desire.
8. Address the God of Wealth directly again. Read off your new vision out loud. Then say, "Infinite Abundance is now mine. I accept it in your Divine Order, and through your Divine Love. Thank you that this is so now."
9. Light your list of money troubles in the flame of the candle, and place it to burn in the fire resistant dish.
10. Allow the candle to burn down and out. You may burn it a little each day if necessary, but never leave a candle burning unattended.
11. Commit to reading your new vision each day, out loud, until you feel certain that all is well financially.
12. Once the candle has finished burning, sign the back of the square of Jupiter that was under the candle, and place it in your purse or wallet, where you carry your cash, knowing that the God of Wealth multiplies your wealth exceedingly, each and every day.
13. Any time a financial worry comes to your mind, remind yourself immediately, "This has been taken care of in Divine Order already. All is Well with me now and forever." Even if one hundred financial worries come to you in an hour, repeat this one hundred times to dissolve them.  Do not allow a negative thought about money to go unresolved.
Soon you will find that you have conditioned yourself to wealth and Divine financial order. And you will see results in a very short time. 

Square of Jupiter:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Warfare Spell

We are always fighting battles. We battle with ourselves, with each other, with our circumstances, with our bodies, with our finances, with our parents (both alive and dead), with our coworkers, with our employers, with our businesses, with the IRS, with the news pouring through our televisions, and on and on.  Sometimes we are aware that we are In the midst of a battle, but most of the time we are actually asleep on the battleground.

In many magical traditions, a warrior God or aspect of divinity-as -warrior is prevalent. From my point of view, all deities are personifications of my own Higher Self, or creative principle. The Higher Self is all wise, all knowing, omnipotent and all loving. The ego self tries to take over the job of the Higher Self, due to the nature of the Ego, which is arrogance.

When a powerful witch discovers she is losing a battle, she knows that it is because she has been trying to fight a battle which is not hers to fight. It is at these times she calls on the War God and/or War Goddess.

Warfare Spell

Here is a magical working I do on a Tuesday during the waning moon, as close to the dark moon as possible.

1. Burn a red candle (use Mars oil and incense if you have it. If not don't stress over it).
2. On a clean sheet of paper, list 25 things that you are battling (no more and no less).
3. Call on the principle of the divine warrior using whatever warrior God, Goddess or Angel you feel is best. Otherwise simply call upon the Divine Warrior.


"Athena! Divine warrior! Take this battle from me. Fight it on my behalf so that good prevails for all!"

"Samael, great archangel of battle. I realize that my only enemies are destructive thought forms inside my mind. Kill and destroy these enemy thought-forms! Dissolve them! Destroy them! Let only good remain for all!"


"Divine Warrior, be with me now! Take me from the battle ground! Return me to safety! I know that your victory brings only good to all. Please fight my battles for me now!

4. Read each item on your list out loud, and relinquish each battle out loud to the Divine Warrior.
5. Come back to your list each day. Whenever an item on your list feels as though it is no longer bothering you, cross it off your list.
6. For each item which still causes you grievance or discomfort, relinqish it verbally again to the Divine Warrior.
7. Continue this daily practice until all items have been crossed off.
8. Burn the paper.

Do you see how much more of an act of power it is to bring your losing battles to the best warrior in the entire universe, rather than trying to fight them yourself? What's more, once you have relinquished your losing battles, you start to actually WIN--often times for the first time in your life. When the Divine wins, it's for the good of all, therefore you can invoke the Warrior eagerly, knowing it's good and healthy to do so!

Join me live, online at my next lecture!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How Do I Know When It's Time To Stop Casting A Spell?

How do I know when to stop casting a spell?

How Do I Know When It's Time To Stop Casting A Spell?

"Should I do a 7 day, a 14 day, or a 28 day spell?" "Should I just keep casting until I feel it's enough?" "Can I over-cast a spell and ruin it?" "How can I tell if I've put enough time and energy into a spell so it doesn't flop?"

Results from magic are highly sensitive to the abilities, experience, temperament and belief systems of the practitioner. Sometimes a lack of success in magic has to do with the person not putting enough into a spell.  They may not have enough practical experience in their Craft to achieve the level of results they are after. Maybe their concentration is lacking, or they are so emotionally undisciplined that they taint their results with unchecked fears and hatreds. Perhaps they are simply not putting in the time necessary to make magic work properly for themselves.

Other times,  magical success may be delayed due to a practitioner “holding on” to a spell for too long. Some may find that they hold on to a spell for fear that, were they to let it go, the spell might fail, since it isn't "ready" yet. Often practitioners will hang on to spells too long out of a need to feel in “control” of magic. Controlling magic is like controlling agriculture. There are things we can, and should control; but the most powerful things are beyond our control. A botanist can’t “make” a flower grow, nature takes care of that. But the botonist CAN provide the conditions and breeding necessary to grow the precise flowers they desire. By a similar token, we don’t “make” magic happen, we cultivate according to our desires. Nature “makes” magic happen.

Thankfully, magic is extremely forgiving. When we keep things simple and straightforward, when we know what we are doing and why we are doing it, when we apply legitimate magical principles and practices, the results come in spite of our own shortcomings. Think of how a crop of corn can overcome extremely poor skills from a farmer, even though an amazingly superior a crop of corn can be grown by a master. The corn grown by the master will taste better and be more abundant, but both crops will serve the purpose for which they were grown: feeding and nourishing people.

Give your spell a good week or two of daily work using sound magical principles and practices, then ask yourself how you feel. Do you feel better and more at peace about this thing? Do you see any signs of sprouting already in this area of your life? Are you less or more interested in doing magic on this goal than before? Are you afraid to let go of the spell and cast it into the fertile ground of the the Deep Mind? Pondering questions such as this will give you a sense as to whether it's time to keep working, or actually cast this spell so it can work for your benefit.

Letting go too soon before you have actually worked on this daily for a period of time will often yield little to no results at all. If you didn't put much into your spell, there's really nothing for you to receive back. If that's the case, it may be time to reassess if this is something you actually want. 

Holding on too long will only serve to delay having the seeds of your desire thrive and grow in the fertile soil of your own Deep Mind.  When it's time, let it go. Forget about it. Go about your business and be done with it. KNOW that it is all being handled in a wonderful way. 

Once you see signs that the results are sprouting, you must tend to them, harvest your results, replant the garden, replenish and allow your soil to rest, and rotate your crops.  You tend your results by watching how you interact with this area in your life. You no longer allow your crop to be overrun with weeds, or poisoned by contaminants, such as complaining and whining. Any and all negative emotions and fears surrounding this topic are neutralized the INSTANT they come into your consciousness. You lovingly and excitedly remind yourself each and every time you think about this thing that “It is finished.”  

Lull yourself to sleep each night, in peace, with the knowledge that this issue is now resolved in a magical way. Find a phrase that fits that attitude (such as, “It is finished.”). Rest in the understanding that your own Superconscious mind and deep mind are completely at work, in nature’s own wise and wonderful way, to bring about the results of your magic. They are busy arranging people, things, situations, opportunities and wonderful surprises for you, just as nature arranges the compounds in the soil according to the needs of any seed. Anyone who has grown a flower from seed knows the amazing awe and anticipation as you watch the flowers bud and blossom. This is the attitude we have with our results in magic as well.

Basically, you could look at the matter thusly:

1. Do the Work
Work for one or two weeks using whatever system of magic you prefer.

2. Release the Work 
Cast your spell into your deep mind and hand it over completely. Get busy doing positive things. Assume the attitude of having already received the result.

3. Tend to the Results  
Keep a nurturing attitude toward your goal, and pull any weeds of fear or doubt the moment they sprout.
4. Harvest 
Use the results of your spell wisely and well. Enjoy the fruits of your magic and get busy using those results for good in your life. Remember to share your good, thus giving back a bit of your seed and your harvest to the soil to make future crops even better, rather than allowing the soil to be depleted.

5. Rotate Crops 
Don't work magic on the same area in your life right away. Let that area rest and replenish for at least one or two spell casting cycles. If you practice daily, this will only be a few weeks, then you can cast a spell to expand on the success of your previous spell if you feel so inclined.

In magic, our sphere of influence is expanded as we learn from both our successes and our failures. We build our successes on those lessons learned. Our goal in magic, is to achieve, not only success, but REPEATABLE success. The only way to achieve this is to practice, practice, practice.