Thursday, October 20, 2016

What is Ariel's Corner?

in 2007, many years after I had stopped teaching local Craft classes, someone suggested that it might be nice if I did a podcast. I hadn't ever heard of a podcast, and I didn't know what they were supposed to sound like, so I just digitized a bunch of tapes of old DCW lectures I had laying around, some from back in the mid 1990s. That was the beginnings of my first podcast, Ariel's Druidic Craft of the Wise Lectures. (I always regret not changing the title of that podcast before it got popular).

Next, I got inspired to do a podcast that was an online version of my original beginning witchcraft text: the non-denominational, A Witch's Primer. I liked that I could include all the material that had never made it into the original text; and I also really loved the idea of a complete audio training, with minimal handouts. It seemed very "old school" to me. I also wanted to make certain that A Witch's Primer was always available to anyone who wanted the material, free of charge.

After AWP had been recorded and completed, I was encouraged to add more DCW lectures, but since I was lecturing only sporadically at that time, I got the idea to go into my studio and just talk, like I do in my live lectures.  I still try to add to my lecture catalogue as best I can, whether I'm speaking live or can get some time to do a studio talk.

Unlike A Witch's Primer, or my other online courses, my DCW Lecture talks are informed by the wisdom I learn from the teachings of the Druidic Craft of the Wise. It is important to note that these talks are not DCW teachings themselves, but my personal pondering on the magical and spiritual principles within those teachings.

I started getting more and more requests for other non-denominational classes along the lines of A Witch's Primer that went beyond the basics These requests inspired me to create several online courses. Each of these courses runs somewhere from 3 to 6 weeks, and includes recorded live lectures, handouts, homework, and often a generous amount of guided meditations.

Each course also has it's own, private, online forum where students can receive support, ask questions and learn from each other. I moderate each forum myself, and group conversation is encouraged.  I ask for a suggested donation for each of my online courses (except for A Witch's Primer). If anyone cannot afford to pay for any of my courses, they are able to take them at no charge, and with no questions asked.

My goal with Ariel's Corner has always been to address a person's solitary magical practice, whether or not they are involved in a Craft or magical tradition. The techniques in magic which I teach are not my own. I teach that which I have been taught by those who came before me. These techniques are tried and true, and tend to produce practical results when the magic is worked properly and systematically.

Currently, I have entered a period in my life where my work in my worldly career is calling for a great deal more of my time and attention, at least for a while. Therefore, I won't be able to put out new classes for a while. During this time I will be lecturing only occasionally as well.

Even though my output will diminish considerably for a while, I am still online in the forums and on Facebook to answer questions and offer assistance and support.

Until I can get back to producing new material, please utilize every part of Ariel's Corner for yourself. We have the entire A Witch's Primer Audio class,  extensive discussion forums, over 90 lectures, guided meditations, articles, and 7 individual courses in magic that go Beyond the Basics.

I will be back to producing new material as soon as I can. Thank you so much for listening. It means more to me than you can ever know.

See you in the forums!

Love and blessings,



  1. I started listening to your podcast on Castbox, but sadly, it stopped working. It was the best I'd been able to find that covered the basics. There are a few of us who would love to keep listening if you check out the comments section. Please keep them up there, we would love to finish listening to your valuable words! Blessed be.

  2. I had loved listening to your podcasts and very recently while adrift traveling abroad, I really wanted to hear them again but they were no available. When I came back Stateside I tried again to no avail. Ariel have you thought about putting out your info in book form? You have soo much to offer, and I miss it.
