Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Warfare Spell

We are always fighting battles. We battle with ourselves, with each other, with our circumstances, with our bodies, with our finances, with our parents (both alive and dead), with our coworkers, with our employers, with our businesses, with the IRS, with the news pouring through our televisions, and on and on.  Sometimes we are aware that we are In the midst of a battle, but most of the time we are actually asleep on the battleground.

In many magical traditions, a warrior God or aspect of divinity-as -warrior is prevalent. From my point of view, all deities are personifications of my own Higher Self, or creative principle. The Higher Self is all wise, all knowing, omnipotent and all loving. The ego self tries to take over the job of the Higher Self, due to the nature of the Ego, which is arrogance.

When a powerful witch discovers she is losing a battle, she knows that it is because she has been trying to fight a battle which is not hers to fight. It is at these times she calls on the War God and/or War Goddess.

Warfare Spell

Here is a magical working I do on a Tuesday during the waning moon, as close to the dark moon as possible.

1. Burn a red candle (use Mars oil and incense if you have it. If not don't stress over it).
2. On a clean sheet of paper, list 25 things that you are battling (no more and no less).
3. Call on the principle of the divine warrior using whatever warrior God, Goddess or Angel you feel is best. Otherwise simply call upon the Divine Warrior.


"Athena! Divine warrior! Take this battle from me. Fight it on my behalf so that good prevails for all!"

"Samael, great archangel of battle. I realize that my only enemies are destructive thought forms inside my mind. Kill and destroy these enemy thought-forms! Dissolve them! Destroy them! Let only good remain for all!"


"Divine Warrior, be with me now! Take me from the battle ground! Return me to safety! I know that your victory brings only good to all. Please fight my battles for me now!

4. Read each item on your list out loud, and relinquish each battle out loud to the Divine Warrior.
5. Come back to your list each day. Whenever an item on your list feels as though it is no longer bothering you, cross it off your list.
6. For each item which still causes you grievance or discomfort, relinqish it verbally again to the Divine Warrior.
7. Continue this daily practice until all items have been crossed off.
8. Burn the paper.

Do you see how much more of an act of power it is to bring your losing battles to the best warrior in the entire universe, rather than trying to fight them yourself? What's more, once you have relinquished your losing battles, you start to actually WIN--often times for the first time in your life. When the Divine wins, it's for the good of all, therefore you can invoke the Warrior eagerly, knowing it's good and healthy to do so!

Join me live, online at my next lecture!


  1. I've had too much wine to care! I have dicided to cross off each battle I've given wholly to Morrigan. She can deal with this crap. I've also had a lot of wine but shred with her so I think it's okay <3
