Things like relaxation, imagination, incantation and the power of written scripts and symbols can create massive changes in our lives, when employed in a certain way. Yet most people who search for magic are still searching for the complex, and disregard what works.
Many people jump from system to system, spell to spell without ever actually accessing any true change. It’s like a person who goes from one fad diet and exercise program to the next without committing to sound principles of exercise and nutrition long enough to get results. These individuals are always either running after the next carrot, or falling into discouragement and desperation thinking that nothing really works.
To be successful at anything, including magic, it is necessary to commit to a practice over time. I recommend that anyone seriously interested in practicing real magic, find a system that resonates with them and stick to it for a reasonable amount of time.
Just like playing a musical instrument, learning a trade or getting in shape takes daily practice over time, so does magic require a daily commitment. Yet, if you do the right work in the right manner, you will start seeing some results fairly rapidly, and this will give you enough inspiration to keep going in order to have even greater results in the long term.
If you notice that you tend to be a dabbler who is hopping from thing to thing and not really getting anywhere with your magic, you might want to reconsider your methods. it may be time to settle down into a more simple but powerful daily practice. Perhaps it’s time for you to master your Craft.
One of my first teachers always taught “Your spell either worked or it didn't.” Try to avoid rationalizing. Write down what you are working toward, so that you can see if your magic is actually bringing you the results you are after. You will either get what you went for, or you won’t.
If you are getting consistent results with your magic, then you are obviously doing the right things in the right way. If not, you may want to consider changing what you are doing.
You deserve to be successful in all that you do. Magic is the most ancient way to help you achieve your goals in life. You can be happy, healthy, successful and live a life of joy and be of service to the world. You don’t need to grovel, beg, make excuses or justify yourself. You already have everything you need to be successful in the Craft. Get to it!
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